Possible general topics
Your family/Personal Background
Your Study
Your daily routine
Your free time activities
Your accommodation/hometown
Learning English/languages
Food and drink
Your country and culture
Predict questions and answer them Clearly
The examiner gives the candidate a clue/task card which asks the candidate to
talk about a particular topic. The candidate is given 1 minute to prepare their talk,
and is given a pencil and paper to make notes. The candidate talks for 1-2
minutes on the topic.
Describe someone in your family who you like.
You should say:
How this person is related to you
What this person looks like
What kind of person he/she is
And explain why you like this person
The examiner asks further questions which are connected to the topic of Part 2.
Example:(based on Part2)
In what ways can people in a family be similar to each other?
Do you think daughters are always more similar to mothers than to male relatives?
In terms of personality, are people more influenced by their family or friends? In what ways?